Watch “”They Mad” Yung Bird-E Official Video” on YouTube

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NOLOVE INC LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look at me niggaz!!!!!

Rock dat shit fam!!!!!

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So I’ve beeb slackin on my local videos….I’m a post madd videos…give me a min

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Chillest Illest Presents: Heavy Drinking & Hardcore Rapping

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Beejan: A Heartfelt Interlude Album Review


So for my second album review, once again, the artist – Beejan – was completely brand new to me. Think I’m going to keep that up for album reviews. If I don’t know the person I won’t try to get to know them too much beforehand so I don’t become biased. On this one, while doing the album review, we became facebook friends, and  I was hoping to go to a show and get more material for the blog. But, Boo L, it didn’t work out. From what I can tell from mild fb stalking, Beejan has made some pretty good connections in the music industry. He apparently shoots videos as well, or rather, he shoots videos and raps as well. From the tidbits of conversation we have had online, he has been nice and polite. I get an overall positive vibe from him, and am excited to check out his music.

Without further adieu, some A Heartfelt Interlude album impressions in track order…

Track One: Goals

The rhyme scheme is simple (rhymes the same vowel sound every end line for like 12bars), slow pace, very easy to tell what he’s saying. Guessing rap not his first thing..yup, says it in the song-videographer first and rapping..for fun I guess. It’s pretty repetitive –whole first verse is the same sound every end line, second verse the same. Production seems nice so far though.

I liked the message of the song of course, about achieving your goals..decent hook. I liked the flute in the background at the beginning, but was a little overbearing by the end.

Track Two: Pain

Some of the rhymes are awkward. Lots of pauses. Awkward hook. Digging the esoteric/positive spin he seems to be on. Different from most rap I hear around here, so I definitely appreciate the originality.

Track Three: Beejan

Almost like he’s on some KRS-One knowledge droppin tip…definitely lacking a hook, he just repeats his name. Instrumental cool at first but gets annoying again. So far the production is nice. Sounds crisp, clear, well-mixed.

Track Four: Good Morning Love

Not really a romantic, but this is my favorite song so far. Like the personal story. This really feels like it is a heartfelt interlude. Different, almost 80’s, sounding beat.

Track Five: Grow

Like the message particularly of this song

Track Six: Reach

Voice changed a little more on this song. I liked it.

Track Seven: Finally Happy

Hella deep, reflective. Another favorite for the story and again, definitely heartfelt. Nice beat.

Overall: I listened to this album probably seven times..So after this, it should be all I have to say. Digging most of the beats – some have an overly repetitive instrument or are a little too simple, ie: I wish they would have changed and developed, become more complex, over the course of the song. As for the vocals, I suggest polishing the delivery. You are mostly on rhythm, but especially in the complex lines it sounds very mechanical, unnatural. The rhyme scheme is simple and predictable, fundamental. Change up the flow a bit to make it more interesting.

Also I have to note the voice doesn’t sound like the typical rappers voice, and it’s very monotone. Adding more inflection would also make it more interesting. Since there’s no visual as with a live performance, all of the emotion must be conveyed through the voice. If you don’t feel your song, why should I? In the studio it should be raw, emotive…everything you have laid into that mic. Like, say exactly what you’re saying, just…better. You rap slowly enough, I messed with one of your songs, you could put a lot of inflection in there that would make it more grabbing.

Okay, on to content. I really like the subject matter, the conscious rap tip is cool. The writing, the word choice is very solid. I appreciate hip-hop that stems from true stories from the person’s life. He stays true to that on this album. I also appreciate he is conscious of potential influence to a younger audience. Overall, it is kid friendly with the subject matter, for those who have those concerns of explicit content.

Lastly,  the layout of the album is nice. No awkward/sudden pauses or endings to songs that I soooo frequently hear on underground EPs. MAD props for  that!

Good work Beejan. Give him a listen and let me know what y’all think!

Find this mixtape at

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NWxpousre……Been awhile

Since I’ve started this blog…a lot of truth has been coming to the light as in real emcees..people with real character….I salute my people that keep it real…I’ve ran into people that give it to you real, I’ve also ran into some fake ass frontin muthasuckas too but that’s a different blog..all in all, 2013, we’re hopeing to bring you some more real, local hip hop..straight from the gutter!
Word to your mother’s…..!

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NoLove, INC: Immortal Techniques of the NW


We are known as NoLove, because it’s not what we give, it’s what we get… So if you show No Love..You gets no Respect 

– NoLove, INC Motto-

So the first time I saw NoLove, INC, they were performing at Rack n’ Cue in Salem. The group of five or so RIPPED up the stage to where I was like DAAAYYMN!! (Seattle’s Most Wanted and Pele Won were probably two of the other times in the last four years for local artists).  NoLove had a great energy on stage and looked very organized and put together. Most of all, they had that underground vibe that is lacking even in the underground music scene.

Somehow, we also ran into them the next night, and I ended it up kickin’ it with them out the trunk outside the 501 – which ended up being a good thing because someone decided to pull a gun out that night inside. Anyway, as KonMan was falling back into the trunk because I just out-smoked his ass ;), I just couldn’t believe the stories they were telling me about their lives…being homeless, growing up on the streets, having to hustle, hit licks..or whatever…to keep a place to sleep, constantly running from the law, often not knowing where they’re next meal was coming from. I was stunned that they were all alive, standing there, in front of me. I mean, I was poor, but not living in the streets as a child. They just had a completely different, very  grimy, but intellectual, very “streets” vibe. Stood apart from any other hip-hop group I had encountered personally to date. They are an extremely authentic, intelligent, eloquent, talented and motivated set of individuals.

So of course, after meeting them and seeing them perform, listening to their music online, and seeing Davied’s KICK ASS video interview a few months back (Watch it here:, I had to do a piece on them once I got this gig. They deserve a nice lil write-up for a press kit or what -not. I hit up ThaGhostCreepp (NoLove INC.’s mouthpiece) on Facebook to set up an interview. Here’s a little snippet of our convo:

Kristen: Let’s set up an interview, I wanna learn how the ghost creeps lol

Ghost: No you don’t lol thas a whole notha story on how I got my last name… thas tha difference between alotta people I’ve met too… Growin’ up you had to earn yo’ name now people jus’ throw a name on one morning an’ thas them lol. I earned both my names Ghost in 2nd grade an’ Creep when I was 13 in Chicago.

K: Yeah, I’d probably be on the receiving end of the

G: Throw that down on ya note pad! Haha

(So I did)..Anyway, we B.S.’d a lil more, set a time to meet up, and I planned to go to a photo shoot with them as well.  I am EXCITED!!

So, the day of the interview comes. I’m slamming green tea the whole hour-ish there. Inevitably, 20 minutes before I reach my destination, my bladder feels like it’s going to explode.  Finally, I make it without getting lost, SWEET! I head straight to the door, pretending I’m  vibin’ to some music in my head, keepin’ it cool, waiting for someone to answer, don’t pee ma pants… ‘Course they send Bullet to the door, and he almost scares the piss all out of me. This big mu’fucka opens it all fast, and I didn’t hear anyone walking to it, so I didn’t know he was about to open it. Then he’s just standing there, looking at me. Doesn’t say anything. So I’m like “Wassup”. He says it back. He’s a good foot taller than me at 5’2”, but makes me  feel even smaller than that. He stands tall and straight, almost menacing, ever observant, in his black beanie and wool pea coat with shiny gold buttons. The bottom half of him is shiny black jeans and fresh black Nikes. He lights up a Newport and lets me in.

Fortunately, I’ve only had one kid, so I’m able to hold the pee from the initial startle.  I walk in to almost lose it again because Ghost Creepp’s hair is longer than mine..For real! I caught him just as he was putting in under the do-rag. I’m like, “Holy shit you have long hair…Yo, I gotta pee, like right now”; I handle that, and we’re good to go. One of the best pees ever. They pulled me right into the lil studio area and informed me I was about to hear a bunch of new stuff, tracks people outside NoLove haven’t heard. (HELL YEAH! Major bonus of this writing gig!). Ahhhh, it was all soo gooood! I can’t wait for their FREE mixtape to drop!

Some tracks to watch out for on WarMachine Mixtape: Max TrainsThe Conquest (Mad Aztec and Greek metaphors in this one. As the song plays, Ghost mentions, “I didn’t pass 8th grade, ya know, and so that’s who I really try to promote my music to, because I knows there’s a lot like me.” Yet the subject matter in this song, in particular, would put many so-called academics to shame.); This Is Real Life is full of Biblical metaphors, another one to catch you if you’re sleeping.

I heard Bullet Da Capo’s first written and recorded verse. I also heard KoNMaN spit hella quick, but he definitely ain’t just a chopper, so peep his versatility when the mixtape drops. I learn Temple of Thoughts aka Drunkn Mastah makes that party music to round out NoLove’s deep topics, but there’s still a message there. Bullet tells me they believe “Every song should be a story”, and Ghost tells stories of how different Portland used to be versus how it is now. These stories about their life experiences are the heart of the verses. Speaking about NoLove, as well as others with similar experiences, he says, “What do they call those on the nature channel? …Invasive species? Yeah, that’s us!”, with a laugh.

As each song plays, Ghost is rappin’ along with every verse so it’s givin’ me a little trouble figuring out which voice belongs to him, haha. He’s just bouncin’ around in his chair diggin’ the fuck out of every song. I did too, but it was cool to watch him enjoy his whole group’s music so much and know each verse so well. Bullet was right there too, hypin’ was like a mini live performance! Another affiliate was there as well, kickin’ it and fillin’ in the blanks with random stories about..adventures…lol. This was a very entertaining interview…I had a blast. (P.S. – There’s even more in the Q&A below..keep reading, it will be so exciting!)

While there, the main members on the tracks I heard were KoN, Ghost, Scandito, and  Temple of Thoughts aka DrunknMastah. They told me about the different members, but all couldn’t make it to the interview. The group started off with around 15 members, but “bullshit and snitches”, left the group to about seven. They tell me Scandito used to not rap, he just made the beats on the bus and kicked it with the crew. Then one day he just annihilated someone in a freestyle apparently out of nowhere. Since then he’s just gotten “tighter and rawer every song,” says Ghost. “He’s a storyteller. All that shit he raps about really happened”.

Then KoN showed up part way through. Ghost actually said they joke he conned his way into the group by claimin’ he knew them from basketball. Ghost laughs when he tells it, “He just kept sayin’, I know y’all from basketball, I know y’all from basketball…I’m like, I don’t even play basketball! So, yeah we joke n say he conned his way in here but it don’t make no difference cuz he’s family now”. Word.

Bullet Da Capo was there the duration. He kinda wheezes sometimes when he breathes. He was smokin’ them Newpimp 100’s and I was thinking, “Man he needs to cut back on those, homeboy can’t breathe!”  I eventually learned, however, the reason he wheezes (and how he got his name) is he has a bullet lodged in him! He was shot in the chest, rushed to the ER where he spent several days and eventually learned the bullet would have to remain a permanent fixture in his anatomy, or he would die. So he wheezes when he breathes, but guarantees me he’s not in pain. Smoke away, homie, my bad.

So after a while of chillin’ and listening to music, we get ready to go to the photo shoot, but something feel through, so that didn’t happen. What was cool though is when they found out, they were just like, “Aight”. KonMan sat down started workin on a beat, Bullet and Ghost just kept showin’ me more music. These cats roll with the punches.  Oh, I also saw how they keep their stage game so clean! They have – tacked up on the wall – a few different “plays” of how to move on stage. Or that’s what it looks like, basketball plays, drawn out with X’s, O’s, and arrows. So, there you have it. You wanna look good up there? You gotta put some planning into what you’re going to do on stage, especially with a big ass group. Ohhh soooo many acts that I’ve seen  could take lessons from these cats. Overall, these guys are some of the rawest dudes I have met in my life so far. I can already tell I could write books about each one of these dude’s lives that would blow y’alls minds about the shit they done and seen. Details of which will be left out of this interview.. if you  wanna hear more of their stories, listen to their music!


~How did y’all meet and become NoLove?~

Ghost:  Honestly, Struggling lol We were all Hungry and the Streets brought us together. While we were tryina eat our paths crossed and when People click, they click. We all cyphered and spit together so much over time it just made sense to work together”.

Bullet: We meet on da grind

~Explain why you chose the name No Love~

Ghost: We all got the short end of the stick in life an NoLove is what we would always say when shit didn’t go our way an’ it just stuck. We couldnt think of a name for ourselves for the longest… then finally it just hit us an NoLove chose us. It’s just what best described what we got in the World. No Love was always Incorporated into us so we chose NoLove INC. as our handle.

~What is your favorite song to perform? Overall?~
Ghost- Honestly that depends but I just enjoy performing in general. If I have Verses I want to Share them. All of em lol

Bullet-Real Life

Temple of Thoughts:  I’m waiting to perform our new songs before I pick a favorite.

When I was there, I honestly couldn’t pick a favorite verse/song. These guys just ran through sneak peak after sneak peak of their new album and every verse is lyrical, comical, intelligent, and/or inspirational as hell. They straight up showed me like 10 songs no one outside their clique has heard. Y’all, I felt honored, for real. ..I appreciate you showin me..could it have been “love”? Maybe it was “like”… either way I definitely felt respected in y’alls presence and I hope you felt the same.

~Who are the official members that we should know about when we hear the name NoLove, and what are your roles?~
Ghost: Well Basically we run this as a Democracy… Everyone’s Word counts, an’ it takes all of us to really pass a decision… but when it comes down to it and if you want to put Labels on shit technically its:

Ghost Creep- CEO
Bullet Da Capo- Hype Man & Head Supervisor
Temple of Thoughts- Engineer and Production Manager
Scandito Homie- Street Team Manager & Distribution
KoNMaN- Marketing & Distribution
Emmoral- Promotions Manager

That’s wassup..I like the  group/team mentality.

~You guys seem to have a pretty sweet following locally. How did you grow your fan base?
Ghost: Actually I don’t even know lol Just over time people liked what they heard an rode with it. The message we represent helps a lot too. We want People to See it’s not what your holding, it’s who’s holding it. Past the illusion of the Cars, Clothes, Money and Hoes Who are they? Because I can’t remember the last time I heard a mainstream artist spit some shit where I actually learned about his life Story aside from who he’s met in the Game and what he’s got out of it (AMEN!). But people used to spit about how they got there and that’s the part of Hip-Hop we represent. What’s really goin’ on lol.

Bullet: We from da streets and muthafuckas know us.

Temple: Yeah, it helps being known around town and networking.

Yeah, y’all definitely do spit that real talk. I love Bullet’s answers, hella concise lol. They also told me a story about how Scandito would make a beat with a pen and lighter on the bus and they would all start rappin’.  They would get mad love from the other bus riders that way, and often the bus driver would think it was the radio and tell them to turn it down!

~What have you guys been up to in 2012?~
Ghost: Trying to keep our heads above water and who we have left out of the Justice System. Besides that, we have been working on the “WarMachine Mixtape Presented by: Bullet Da Capo and NoLove INC.”, which will be out for distribution (For Free) before the end of the year. To let people get to know us as Artists a little better.

Bullet: Keepin’ it real an workin’ on da war machine.

Temple: Trying to stay free and fed and work on the warmachine.

~What are your upcoming shows and projects for next year?~

Ghost: Honestly we dont think that far ahead lol we are just living life. What happens, happens but we are planning on getting back in the Portland Underground Circuit soon and get back on stage. We have just been waiting to get this Mixtape done honestly so People have something to take home with them.

Bullet: Only time will tell, we take (life) one step at a time.

~Why did you choose hip-hop as your path?~
Ghost- Because to keep it Real when you have never even really been to High school you don’t have too many options. I am in the works of getting my GED and getting into PCC to learn more about the electronic side of the Music Game and working the equipment better. But I can barely get a job at a Fast Food Joint so if this Don’t cut it I’m back to Hustling again because I don’t know how to do much else lol but God I hope Not.

Thas wassup. Real talk again from Ghost. Man I hope not either. I hope y’all get hella successful, for real. You’re doin’ the world more good slangin’ CDs.

Bullet: Da life we live led us to it.

Temple: It chose me lol

~What kind of music do y’all listen to?~
Ghost: Rhythm and Poetry, Hip-Hop, Blues, Jazz, Reggae, some R&B.

Bullet: Gangsta Rap, Funk, Jazz, Blues

Temple: Everything, but no such country or heavy metal. Anything with a melody and a message and pretty much a good ass beat. RIP J. Dilla.

~Who/what inspires you when you want to throw in the towel?~
Ghost: The fact that so many people depend on what we are doing. We eat off this an’ some of us really have no hope besides this so when shit gets hard for me… I remember that I’m hungry and I’m not the only one and that keeps me going.

Bullet:  My son.

Temple: The people that have quit that had so much potential. I just can’t quit.

Word. Lotta people don’t actually have it like that.

~What do you want people to remember after they listen to NoLove or see y’all live?~
Ghost: That shit can always be worse so appreciate what you got and keep your head up and be positive even when things are as negative as they can get because you never know what tomorrow has for you. And to give Honor, Honesty and Loyalty to yourself and your people because those who live for nothing fall for anything.

Bullet- To really understand the message we talkin’ about: Trying to give the dos and don’ts to the youth.

Temple: There are probably 12 acts, but just remember us and me in the leopard robe wit my cup lol

Keep in mind, Temple aka DruknMastah is also the one who has the reputation for making the music to parlay to. And he says in one of his lines, “ I gotta do it stupid for the people that be brainless”.  Love it.

~Tell me what you think of hip-hop today?~

Ghost: I believe people lost the roots of what made R.A.P. and Hip-Hop great. It was a voice for those that didn’t have one. The broke/poor, the hungry, the homeless, the people that were not as blessed as others, the story tellers from below the poverty line that let the World know how people in the Slums were really living. Hip-Hop used to have direction for those lost. It used to give people struggles they can relate too and hopefully give you another way to look at it and most the time the way the artist got out of it an’ the mistakes he made along the way the listener can learn from. That’s what I miss. R.A.P. and Hip-Hop used to be life stories, biographies on the artists making them. Now it’s just a bunch of “who got more then who?” When it used to be, “This is what I did with Nothing.” That’s the message I’m trying to bring back. An artist I’ve came in contact with out here named MC Albet said it the best in my eyes. They say Hip-Hop is Dead… He said “Hip-Hop isn’t Dead it’s Just Buried Alive, that’s why it’s called Underground.” That’s’ where the Real Hip-Hop of today is. From those struggling to get heard. But what the mainstream has made it is a bunch of commercials to Sell Products (Right!? Snoop Lion “Pocket like it’s hot”!? DAFUK outta here with that shit!). And that’s’ Disgusting to me. They pimpin’ Hip-Hop now in the Media and Mainstream to make rich people richer. Shit’s Backwards. I believe Hip-Hop is alive and well, people are just looking in the wrong places, and if people took the time to do their research… They would have a lot of new favorite artists. But that’s just my opinion.

Temple:  Slowly but surely its making a comeback. I support the people I think have the talent and the message I can follow and relate to.

~So, what’s good hip-hop?~

Ghost: Kendrick Lamar, ScHoolBoy Q, Ab-Soul, Hopsin, SwizZz, Dizzy Wright, Big K.R.I.T. & J. Cole’s shit be goin’ pretty hard. Favorite Artists- R.I.P. Mac Dre, THIZZ Nation, R.I.P. Tupac, R.I.P. Notorious BIG, R.I.P. Big Pun, R.I.P. Big L, Keak Da Sneak, Ice Cube, E-40, Suga Free, T-Nutty, X-Raided, Cassidy, Scarface, Zero, Devin the Dude, Outkast & not to sound cocky at all, but My Camp.

Temple:  I bump Sinful, MF Doom & Quasimodo, Zion & I Crew, Freestyle Fellowship, Count Bass D., Black Star, Big L, Murs, Mic Crenshaw, Mac Dre, Andre Nickatina, Smooth E, Dirt Nasty, Cool Keith, E40, Reek Daddy, Afroman & Blu… New Artists- Kendrick Lamar, Schoolboy Q, Hopsin, SwizZz

~ What makes NoLove, INC unique?~

Ghost: Honestly, nothing makes us unique; we are just like everybody else. That’s what sets us apart. We just wanna live an enjoy life like anybody else does. We don’t wanna be yacht owners or live in a mansion… Just live comfortably & not be hungry. If anything makes us unique compared to what everyone else is doing with their music, it’s that.

Temple: We are all versatile, and can adapt and come from different backgrounds to form this war machine.

I like how temple consistently mentions Warmachine. He really seems to vibe with that metaphor. I can’t wait for that to come out!

Once again, these cats deserve recognition. They are putting in work and have real stories to tell that we can all learn from. I wish y’all the best of luck in your future. Maybe I’ll do an album review of the mixtape when it drops if I have time. Make sure to give me like 100 to  hand out in Salem! PEACE OUT

Places to find their music online:

Ghost Creepp”” and “

Temple of Thoughts: “” and “

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2012 Efryting Drive

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“Interplanetary Peace Talks (2012 A.U.)”

One of the Illest niggaz I have ever met! He changed my view along time ago!

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